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about us


Our Story

New Mount Zion Baptist Church was organized in 1901.  Some black citizens saw a need to establish a new church in

downtown Roxboro. Families from Mill Hill and Old Mount Zion along with others: Moses Winstead, William Jones, Henderson

Jones, Jim Parks, Richard Harris, Sr. and Joe Word were instrumental in the planning and construction of the first church.


In May 27, 1901 the church was erected in the vicinity of the Person County Courthouse Building.

The logs and timber to build this church were finished by Deacon Moses Winstead.  


The first pastor to serve NMZBC’s family was Reverend Martin (1901-1907). Under his leadership the

church moved to 202 W. Gordon Street in 1907.  The church continued to grow.


New Mount Zion will celebrate its 114 anniversary this May. Our services have been blessed,

people have been saved and our church has grown in faith and size.   


The following ministers have served as pastors after Rev Martin:   The second pastor was Rev. Eli B. Thompson (1907-1914); 3rd pastor was Rev. Ben Ruffin (1914-1916); 4th pastor was Rev C.J. Springfield, Sr. (1918-1934); 5th pastor was Rev. Dr. J. Jasper Freeman; 6th pastor was Rev. C.L. Faison; 7th pastor was Rev Heard; 8th pastor was Rev. Chambers; 9th pastor was Rev. E.G. Williams; 10th pastor was Rev. Huntley; 11th pastor was Rev. G.H. Badgett;  12th pastor was Rev. H. G. McGhee;  13th pastor was Rev. Charles L. Coleman; 14th  pastor was Rev. Dr. Wayman B McLaughlin (8/1972-01/1978); 15th  pastor was Rev Arthur F. Kirk (1/78-8/78); 16th pastor was Rev. Kenneth Edwards (8/78-1984);  and 17th pastor was Rev. Dr. Dorwin L. Howard Sr. (1985-10/2012). Under his leadership a new bus was purchased. The Scholarship Committee, church library and two outreach ministries (video and garden) were instituted. Fifth Sunday services were added and the first issue of our church newsletter, The Messenger was published.  A new church was built at 305 Walker Street.  We moved to our current location in 2001, under Rev Howard’s pastorate. The 18th pastor Rev. LaTonya McIver served from December 14, 2014 until September 20, 2021;

To our current Pastor Rev. P. Louis Evans M Div. January 01, 2023.

Our Pastor

"Like a colorful mosaic formed from bits of broken glass, God can make a masterpiece of you."

Rev. Patrick Louis Evans, M.Div.

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